OMPT is any “hands-on” treatment administered by a physical therapist. Skilled human touch is an essential component of our examination and treatment philosophy at Pace West. Therefore, each one of our practitioners is highly trained in the OMPT core psychomotor skill set. OMPT is time-tested and scientifically proven to work exceptionally well for most non-emergent orthopedic conditions.
The American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy (AAOMPT) defines OMPT as follows:
A clinical approach utilizing skilled, specific hands-on techniques, including but not limited to manipulation/mobilization, used by physical therapists to diagnose and treat soft tissue and joint structures for the purpose of modulating pain; increasing range of motion; reducing or eliminating soft tissue inflammation; inducing relaxation; improving contractile and non-contractile tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability; facilitating movement; and improving function. 1, 2
What conditions can be treated using OMPT?
Our orthopedic manual physical therapists treat acute and chronic conditions of the head, neck, back, arms, and legs. When someone suffers from a neuromusculoskeletal disorder, an exercise and movement re-education program may be all that is needed to restore full range of motion. However, when soft-tissue, joint, or nerve restrictions are present, these exercises or movements might be painful or even exacerbate the condition. In these instances, an OMPT therapist can use hands-on techniques to improve mobility, reduce pain, and restore normal function of the soft tissues and joints.
What separates us from the rest? We call it OMPT+
To answer this question one must know a little bit about the history of OMPT, starting with the OMPT Treatment Triangle:

Using our hands as well calibrated instruments – together with our understanding of the human body – we are taught to test, assess, treat, re-assess, and “re-educate” three primary structural components of the body to help mitigate symptoms, regain normal tissue/joint integrity, and improve mobility and function.
These anatomical structures are as follows:
- The Articular or Joint System (skeletal structures)
- The Soft Tissue System (muscles, ligaments, tendons, myofascial tissue)
- The Neural System (central and peripheral nerve tissues)
Classic OMPT techniques were first introduced the 1950s by pioneers like Maitland, Cyriax, Janda, Greenman, and others.
Muscle energy techniques, nerve flossing, cupping, trigger point dry needling, joint mobilization/manipulation, strain-counterstrain in addition to myofascial release, rolphing, cranialsacral, massage, and visceral manipulation are just a few of the OMPT procedures that have become mainstay techniques over the past 60 years. We invite you to peruse our
professional bios and continued education pages, and you will see that our physical therapists are expertly trained in these techniques.
Although OMPT can be an effective option on its own, in the majority of patient cases it’s not enough. Our 20 years of experience has proven that something is missing from the traditional OMPT treatment model:
Today, we have changed the OMPT Treatment Triangle to look more like this:

Since the turn of the millennium, our physical therapists have been on the cutting edge of the movement integration system. Without this component, the structures we treat often migrate back to old, compensatory patterns of motion or function, delaying healing and contributing to ongoing symptoms. We don’t just treat structure, like many other practitioners, we treat movement deficits as a result of structural dysfunction and faulty neuromusculoskeletal control.
We are on the forefront of movement assessment and correction. By first using our manual therapy skills to release tension and restore motion, we then implement the latest in FMS, SMFA, and FDN techniques to provide functional stability and integration. These techniques are being applied as we speak to professional athletes in the NFL, NHL, PGA, EPL, and MLB.
Our treatments will effectively help “re-boot” your muscles to regain their normal tissue tonicity and function. We have adopted the latest neuromuscular reprogramming strategies through reflective stabilization, functional correctives, and post manipulation neuromuscular re-stabilization in order to create lasting results for you.
- American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists. Orthopedic Manual Therapy: Description of Advanced Clinical Practice. 1999 pp: 29
- American Physical Therapy Association.
For more information visit:
American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists
North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapists
Ready to schedule an appointment?
If you are ready to explore your remedy and live comfortably in your body then make an appointment now! Call 303-546-9201 or click here to request an appointment.