Our evaluation process at Pace West Physical Therapy is focused on finding the root of your problem. We are looking for the cause of your problem not just the source of your pain. Often, seemingly unrelated impairments (loss of mobility and or strength) in a remote part of your body contribute to your main complaint of pain.
Our comprehensive neuromusculoskeletal assessments include evaluation of mobility (joint, soft tissue, and nerve) and strength (movement patterns/coordination, force production, endurance, and power).
The key to successful use of our bodies lies in the integrated balance of mobility and strength. The ultimate goal is the restoration of your optimal pain free movement patterns.
We are well studied and influenced by many eastern and western schools of thought. Practitioners from around the globe influence our movement assessments. Movement is essential to a productive life.
Allow the therapists at Pace West PT to assess your movement. A balanced body comes in all shapes and sizes; a balanced body enjoys movement; a balanced body can be yours.